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 Equipment >> 2011 >> Atomic >> Snowboard >> Hatchet
Atomic  Maker:  Atomic
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Hatchet
 Year:  2011

4.5 Stars Based based on
4 votes on 2015-02-18 20:24:17
Pop Rocker All Terrain
Neutral camber
D4 SW construction
2,5° park bevel
Extruded 4400 base
Directional twin shape
T2 tip to tail woodcore
Flex: 5/10
Type: Freestyle/Park
Available Sizes: 145, 150, 153, 156, 159, 156W, 159W, 163W, 166W
Atomic Hatchet , 2011
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Tried and tested by countless freestyle freaks, the Hatchet remains one of the most popular boards out there to push your limits. With its special new shape, the Hatchet has become the epitome of freestyle and was made to outshine any competition playing the park or cruising the hill. A sweet ride for beginners and pros who are looking for a sound mixture of state-of-the-art technology and mountain fun.
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