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 Equipment >> 2009 >> GNU >> Snowboard >> Riders Choice-Magne Traction
GNU  Maker:  GNU
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Riders Choice-Magne Traction
 Year:  2009

4.5 Stars Based based on
2 votes on 2011-03-04 09:59:30
Sandwich / Quasi Glass construction
UHMW sidewalls
Sintered 9900 bases
True Twin with Banana Traction
Marvin AG1 Core
Size: 151.5, 154.5, 157.5, 161.5
GNU Riders Choice-Magne Traction, 2009
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New Banana Technology on the proven Riders Choice designs. Zach Leach has been testing his banana all last year and he has found it works great everywhere in any conditions. Banana Tech won Snowboard Mag’s platinum award and Innovation of the year. You can ride a banana about 3 cm shorter than your regular board even in pow because they float so well. Your jib board is now your pow board. My opinion... the Choice Banana is one of the best boards ever built (I rode one just the other day.) Ask Nate Farrel and Dennis Buonjourno about their Bananas. Now available in wides.
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