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 Equipment >> 2009 >> Forum >> Snowboard >> Craft
Forum  Maker:  Forum
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Craft
 Year:  2009

3.5 Stars Based based on
2 votes on 2012-12-04 21:25:16
Core : Supergnar Le
Laminates : Light Triax
Base : Fluid
Board Shape : Twin
Size : 144, 147, 152, 155
Forum Craft, 2009
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Lib Tech-Mc Kink Mtx
Mc Kink Mtx
The Craft is an award-winning twintip freestyle board that’s a proven performer. The TransWorld SNOWboarding Board Test yielded this board a coveted “Good Wood” seal of approval. This reinforces that it is one of the best go-anywhere freestyle boards available. The SuperGNAR™LE core, Triax glass construction, and clean shape align to make the Craft a great choice.
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