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 Equipment >> 2008 >> Arbor >> Snowboard >> Westmark
Arbor  Maker:  Arbor
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Westmark
 Year:  2008

4.5 Stars Based based on
3 votes on 2011-03-29 17:18:48
Sizes:155,159 cms
Mid-Wide Profile
Bamboo reinforced Core
Directional Twin Tip Shape
14 Pack Inserts
Effective edge:121.60 cm
Arbor Westmark, 2008
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The westmark looks like the big brother to the mystic, it is a midwide, built for the guy who has a 10-12 size foot. If you want the mystic, but your feet just won’t allow it, get the westmark snowboard and you will be very happy.
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